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Business Case Specialist Masterclass: A Complete Guide
Course Introduction
Real-Life Anecdote Introduction (7:20)
How to Navigate and View Course Content
Introduction to the Business Case
Section Introduction (0:46)
What is a Business Case? (3:15)
What are the reasons for developing an internal Business Case? (2:41)
Should you consider approval of your Business Case a Success Criteria? (5:14)
What are the different components of a Business Case?
Real-Life Anecdote: Business Case in 30 Days (3:04)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:37)
Understanding the Business
Section Introduction (2:00)
What is involved in Understanding the Business? (3:31)
What is a SIPOC? (1:58)
What are the steps to create a SIPOC? (1:38)
Real-Life Anecdote: Understanding the Business using a SIPOC (4:35)
What is a Hierarchy Flowchart? (2:26)
How to Create a Hierarchy Flowchart? (2:29)
Real-Life Anecdote: Creating a Hierarchy Flowchart (3:30)
Capture High-Level Data (3:30)
Create Inference (1:57)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:44)
Stakeholder Identification & Engagement
Section Introduction (1:01)
What is Stakeholder Identification & Engagement? (2:10)
Stakeholder Analysis using the Power/Interest Grid (3:58)
The Low Power and Low-Interest Quadrant (2:41)
The Low Power and High-Interest Quadrant (2:05)
The High Power and Low-Interest Quadrant (2:03)
The High Power and High-Interest Quadrant (1:53)
Real-Life Anecdote: Stakeholder Analysis (4:10)
Real-Life Anecdote: Stakeholder Analysis_Continued (3:20)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:37)
Define the Problem
Section Introduction (0:53)
How to define the project problem? (3:06)
Real-Life Anecdote: Define the Problem (3:31)
Section Conclusion (0:21)
Identify Possible Solutions
Section Introduction (1:11)
Introduction to Identify Possible Solutions & Brainstorming (4:29)
What is a Fishbone Diagram? (3:20)
What is Multi-Voting? (1:29)
Brainstorming Possible Solutions (0:56)
Real-Life Anecdote: Identify Root-Causes & Fishbone Diagram (6:47)
Real-Life Anecdote: Ascertain Root-Causes using Multi-Voting (3:20)
Real-Life Anecdote: Validating the Root-Causes (4:00)
Real-Life Anecdote: Determine Possible Solutions (8:39)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:40)
Project Assumptions & Constraints
Section Introduction (1:24)
What are Project Assumption(s)? (1:16)
Real-Life Anecdote: Identify Project Assumptions (4:25)
What are Project Constraints? (1:31)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:27)
Project Risks, Resource Requirements & High-Level Timelines
Section Introduction (1:15)
What are Project Risks? (3:25)
How to Determine Resource Requirements? (3:17)
Real-Life Anecdote: Determine Resource Requirements (1:41)
Determine High-Level Timeline (2:46)
Real-Life Anecdote: Determine High Level Timeline (1:10)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:42)
Project Benefits
Section Introduction (1:00)
What are Project Benefits? (1:12)
Real-Life Anecdote: Determine Project Benefits (1:37)
Building Project Financials (2:58)
Section Conclusion (0:37)
Present Value
Section Introduction (1:27)
Present Value (PV): Time Value of Money (1:57)
Present Value (PV): Discounting (5:08)
Present Value (PV) in Excel
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:28)
Net Present Value
Section Introduction (2:00)
What is Net Present Value (NPV)? (3:40)
Net Present Value (NPV) in Excel
Pros and Cons of Net Present Value (NPV) (2:02)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:28)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Section Introduction (1:39)
What is Internal Rate of Return (IRR)? (1:14)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) in Excel
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:25)
Other Important Financials
Section Introduction (1:38)
Payback Period (1:17)
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) (1:39)
Opportunity Cost (0:53)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:27)
Real-Life Anecdote Financials
Section Introduction (0:45)
Estimate Project Capital Requirements (1:36)
Forecast Financial Savings/Improvements (2:16)
Calculating the NPV and IRR
Section Conclusion (0:36)
Key Metrics & Executive Summary
Section Introduction (1:12)
Key Metrics (1:26)
Real-Life Anecdote: Key Metrics (0:30)
Writing the Executive Summary (1:38)
Real-Life Anecdote: Documenting the Executive Summary (3:52)
Section Quiz
Section Conclusion (0:28)
Course Conclusion
Section Introduction (0:26)
Real-Life Anecdote: The Final Presentation (5:07)
Real-Life Anecdote: The Verdict
Tips to Write Effective Business Case
Course Conclusion
Course Feedback
What are the reasons for developing an internal Business Case?
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